Do you really think this planet is the only one with beings like us?

Take a look at this image. It's from the Hubble space telescope. All of those tiny dots? They are not stars, they are all galaxies!

There are 10,000 of them in this image!

That's right, 10,000 galaxies. Take a good look. When you look closely you'll see that many of those tiny dots are actually spiral galaxies like our own Milky Way.

Amazing, isn't it?

Even more amazing is the fact that each galaxy has an average of 100 billion stars (suns).

And, that image only captures a tiny fraction of the night's sky — only about 1/13 millionth of the entire sky. That's...

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... of the total night sky.

In fact, it's like looking at the sky through a 10 foot long straw. The tiny hole at the end of the straw is what they took the picture of using the Hubble space telescope.

Boggles the brain, doesn't it?

Then, think about this: In just ONE galaxy, ours — the Milky Way — scientists think there are about...

6 billion Earth-like planets!

In just ONE galaxy. Ours.

And, they estimate there are about 2 trillion galaxies in the sky. That means the number of Earth-like planets is probably in the quadrillions!

That's a 1 followed by 15 zeros!


That's a LOT of earth-like planets.

Guess what.
We are not alone!

Mathmatically, that would be impossible. And ...

It would be a terrible waste of space!

So, why is this important to your Spiritual Journey?

Glad you asked.

Because the universe is not an accident. Our planet is not an accident. And YOU are not an accident.

The universe was created by a higher intelligence, The Creator. And everything in the universe has a purpose. Everything.

And, that means that YOU have a purpose. Your life has a purpose. And part of your purpose in life is to discover that purpose. That is why you are here right now — to discover and fulfil your purpose.

YOU are unique. There is not another YOU anywhere in the universe. And, you are not alone. You have a Spiritual Guide – a gift from your Creator. That Guide is within. But, as you may be discovering right now, your Inner Spirit Guide is subject to your free will. Part of your purpose is to discover how to align your free will with your Creator's will. And your Divine Guide will show you the way. But only when you ask.

That's enough for you to think about today. Now is a good time to practice your stillness and get in tune with your inner Spiritual Guide.

Remember it takes practice. But the good news is, it doesn't cost money, right?

By your own free will, invest the time it takes to get to know your Spiritual Guide ... and listen carefully.

Over time,
and beyond this lifetime,
your investment will pay dividends!

Now practice.

Another lesson will be forthcoming soon

In the meantime, enjoy your spiritual journey.

Next lesson