Spirit finds it difficult to connect with you when your mind is busy. It can't break through the noise.
That is why you must quiet your mind. Breathe.
The exercise we are going to use is called Stillness.
Unless your mind is still, you cannot hear Spirit.
Your Inner Guide is subject to YOUR free will.
If your will is to cater to your own inner thoughts, Spirit will honor that.
If your will is to be perpetually entertained, Spirit will honor that too.
But while your mind is busy, your Inner Guide can't reach you because It is honoring your will for your mind to be busy.
And when your mind is busy, your fears, uncertainties, doubts, and distractions are dominating your thoughts.
For Spirit to function, you must quiet those thoughts.
You must become still.
Focus entirely on your breath...
Close your eyes and listen.
Ask Spirit to adjust your thoughts.
It takes practice.
And you have to ask.
Only with permission will Spirit be free to adjust your thoughts.
Your loving Inner Guide knows what is best for you.
Your thoughts will be adjusted to better serve you.
But only when you ask, only when given permission.
You will find answers coming from seemingly nowhere.
They will pop into your head.
They may seem like your thoughts
Maybe they are...
But maybe they are Spirit making them your own thoughts.
It doesn't matter
Because when these ideas, these "thoughts" are good ones...
thoughts that calm the mind and give you answers to the questions you've been asking
they come by the way of Spirit, your Inner Guide.
Listen to them.
Do this every day for the next 10 days.
Set aside 15 minutes, same time each day...
to listen to Spirit.